I strongly recommend joining UPA for all forms professionals. Given the extensive usability problems associated with both paper and web forms, it is worth the cost of membership.
A video that covers my article on Centrelink is also available from our web site. See previous blog entry for details.
For Australian forms people (and those who would like to visit our beautiful national capital) there is a three day conference in Canberra in August.

- Forms and Usability: Editor's Note. By Aaron Marcus
- A Fascination with Forms: By Caroline Jarrett and Gerry Gaffney
- Thoughts as Art. By Tema Frank
- Making Forms Accessible: Accessible Forms Help all Users — deals with the design of a form for a handicapped student. By Gian Wild, Monash University
- What do you mean? How to write good questions. By Jessica Enders
- Redesigning Centrelink Forms: A Case Study of Government Forms. By Robert Barnett
- Forms on the Go: Usable Forms for the Mobile Web. By Ben Green
- Forms Management: What Forms Managers Think About — deals with the management of electronic forms. By Ray Killam
- The ELMER Experience: A Standard for Government Forms [Norway]. By Tor Nygaard
- Formally Speaking: Two guidebooks about Designing Forms. By Aaron Marcus
- Ballot Forms. By David Kimball and Martha Kropf